Monday, September 8, 2014

What brings you to SNHU? Talk about your journey into EDU 235.

After working with children with special needs all throughout high school, I decided that being a special education teacher would be the thing for me! I interned in the Special Education classroom during my junior and senior years in high school, and I was the president of the Best Buddies Club at my school. I love working with both high and low functioning disabilities. I also love working with little kids and I was a preschool teacher at my local YMCA as a senior in high school. When deciding what school I wanted to go to, I had a few things to consider... I wanted to make sure that I would be close to home but not too close, I wanted the school to have both Special Education and Early Childhood Education, and I wanted a campus that was not too big. SNHU fit the criteria perfectly! I am only about 40 minutes from home, and I am a double major in Special Education and Early Childhood Education with a minor in Psychology. 

I was very nervous to see how the classes at SNHU would be and worried that I wouldn't like the Education courses. Thus far, I have been very happy with all of my Education, Special Education, and Child Development courses. I have many many classes to take, as you can imagine with a double major and a minor! I took all of my 100-level classes already and some of my 200-level classes and this class fit perfectly into my schedule for this semester. I look forward to learning how I can incorporate technology into my classroom someday. I feel as though having technology in a Special Education or Inclusive classroom would be a very helpful resource for both the students, and myself as the teacher.


  1. It is nice to hear how much you did for children with special needs and hopefully do for them in the future. How was it being the president of the best buddies club in high school? what was the best buddies club exactly? Technology will make teaching in special education so much better, it could provide soundboards so kids with writing disabilities and communication disorders can turn something such as their phone into a story board and use symbols to explain themselves.

    1. Best Buddies Club is an after school club where general education kids work with and hangout with children with special needs. You are kind of their 'best buddy'. We would set up monthly meetings with them and do fun activities like plant a garden, or make tie dye shirts for the Special Olympics, which we attended! I absolutely loved being a part of the Best Buddies Club at my school and learned a lot about the kids along the way! They are just like us and have so much to offer that you might not realize when they are in an academic setting!

  2. Its great that you love SNHU and your majors. It sounds like you have everything put together really well. Even your minor is a perfect fit. In addition, it is great to have passion about something and it is obvious that you love working in the special needs department. Is there anything you are nervous about when going into special needs?

  3. Im glad to read that you love SNHU and the majors you chose! Like you, I am a double major and minor, so I can definitely relate to taking a large amount of classes in the short time we have here. I think that it is great how passionate you are about special education!
